Retaining Walls

The construction or repair of retaining walls, no matter the size, can be assisted with various geotechnical construction techniques.  Improper installation or an extended period of heavy loads can cause retaining walls to settle, crack, or completely fail.  The installation of tiebacks, soil nails, or other earth retention methods can assist in repairing such retaining walls.  Helical piles, which are a technique for ground anchoring, are also frequently used to enhance the stability of foundations of retaining walls.

If the retaining walls fail due to subsurface soil conditions, the application of pressure grouting techniques including cement grouting and compaction grouting allows for the improvement of soil underneath the foundation.  After the soil has been stabilized, it is common to reinforce retaining walls with the aforementioned earth retention methods.

Gibson’s Pressure Grouting employs the engineers with expert industry knowledge to both determine the most appropriate method for the repair of retaining walls, and see the project through to completion. Contact our specialists today to learn more about our customized services.